BRK Brocock Ghost PCP Air Rifle
BrocockBRK Brocock Ghost PCP Air Rifle
This is an all new paltform from Brocock. This rifle is a multi-caliber platform rifle and will be available out of the box as either a full length 23" barrel and 480cc CF bottle(Ghost HP), a shorter 17" barrel and full length 480cc CF bottle(Ghost Plus), and a compact 17" barrel and 300cc CF Bottle(Ghost Carbine). All of the components are interchangeable and you can have multiple barrels and multiple calibers for the same platform. These rifles, like all other BRK rifles will come factory with a Huma Regulator and a match grade Lothar Walther Barrel. These barrels are cut the same and will interchange with the Daystate Alpha/Delta Wolf barrels if you remove the chronograph. This new rifle will be available in calibers .177 (2x Lenghts) .22 (2x Lengths) .25 (Just 23") and .30 (just 23") This rifle represents a large jump for Brocock