Western Airguns Sidewinder Mini, Snakelet
western AirgunsSidewinder Mini, "Snakelet"
Introducing the newest addition to the Western Airgun Sidewinder family, the Sidewinder Compact semi/full auto, AKA Snakelet. Dont let this smaller size fool you, it will pack a bite! The Sidewinder compact is slimmed down and shortened compared to the Sidewinder. The barrel has been shortened down to 17 inches and comes with the ever popular 0DB Compact Moderator making the overall length 26 inches. long with the shortened barrel the Compact also comes standard with a 300cc carbon fiber bottle. The new compact will be offerd in 22, 25 and 30cal. Although this is compact its bite is still there. The 22 will be capable of 63FPE, 25 70FPE and the 30 96FPE.