Stud MagLoader Magazine for the FX Impact
Stud Mag LoaderStud Mag Loader for the FX Impact
The new magazines feature smooth class 2RS, roller bearing movement, magnetic lid retention, the ability to feed slugs or pellets up to 12mm in length. Yes, these will feed the large slugs! Available in .22, .25 and .30.
These mags match the new "factory" FX round counts and are compatible with the STUD Loader/Feeder system (not the STUD DTM's however). For those of you that have our DTM's and want a new STUD Mag for them, we will be offering a program for upgrading your DTM to the new versions that will fit these mags
hese STUD mags were designed to overcome the issues and problems with the FX factory mags. Glass smooth operation, excellent visual on "shots remaining" and finally a lid that is removed and installed without that twisting with your fingers. It works great for those of us with hands that want to operate with gloves or fingers that don't "work" as great as they use to.
177 34 rounds
22 28 rounds
25 25 rounds
30 21 rounds